How BODYBALANCE® can support lifelong fitness goals

05, 2023
4 min

From Gen Z and Millennials to Generation X and Baby Boomers – every generation has its own reasons for wanting to remain fit and physically active for as long as possible. That’s why we conducted a qualitative evaluation and asked people of all ages in Germany, Great Britain and the US about their fitness goals and motivation. Additionally, we discussed how sports nutrition products in combination with physical activity can help them achieve their targets.

“Generation fitness” and body mania

For young people, having a good body means committing to a great deal of time, effort and sweat. The men in our study tended to exercise to build muscle for a visual effect and to increase strength, while the women's goals were mainly to lose weight and tone up. The results showed that people in their twenties exercise mainly for physical and mental wellbeing, but also because they feel a societal expectation in terms of appearance. As they strive to look their best, men and women in this demographic are willing to invest in sports nutrition products to help them achieve their goals.

Turning back time

Respondents aged 35 to 55 said they wanted to stay attractive and healthy for as long as possible. That’s why physical improvement is a desirable goal, but difficult to achieve due to workloads and family commitments. Furthermore, both men and women struggled with loss of shape and tone. Phrases such as “50 is the new 40” resonated with them, but also put them under a lot of pressure. Nutritional solutions that make it easier to achieve visible results when working out are therefore a way to motivate this particular age group.

Investing in physical and mental wellbeing in later life

Many of those aged over 60 find it increasingly difficult to perform everyday tasks. While aware of the correlation between such problems and muscle loss, most people dismiss it as an inevitable part of the ageing process. However, there are also many who want to fight against it. Keeping up with the grandchildren, continuing to manage household chores and even preventing age-related decline in lean muscle mass and reduced muscular performance - are all motivational factors driving this age group to invest in their physical and mental wellbeing.

A solution for every age group

Despite the various challenges of staying healthy at each stage of life, today’s consumers are aware that physical activity is an essential part of achieving their goals, whether it is to have the body of their dreams or feel physically stronger and fitter. However, a helping hand never goes amiss, and that’s where BODYBALANCE® comes into its own. We at GELITA have conducted several studies with different population groups to understand the effect of these specific collagen peptides on muscle and fat mass. Depending on the age group and sex, muscle mass increased by between 0.6 kg and 1.8 kg, while fat mass reduced by between 0.8 kg and 1.9 kg. In conclusion, BODYBALANCE® in combination with resistance training (2-3 hours per week) can help to increase muscle mass and decrease fat mass.

Curious to learn more about BODYBALANCE®? Our experts can help you with formulation development and product innovation, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch today!