Happy birthday to our health-promoting, beauty-boosting ingredient innovations

13, 2023
5 min

When it comes to joint and skin health, two of our innovative Bioactive Collagen Peptides (BCP®) have revolutionised the market. That’s why we’re wishing them many happy returns – and marking the occasion by trumpeting the scientifically proven results that have ensured their ongoing popularity.

It was 20 years ago that FORTIGEL® first hit the market and, two decades on, it remains the only collagen product proven to regenerate joint cartilage, with its beneficial effects substantiated by more than 20 clinical studies.

VERISOL®, meanwhile, has been the go-to ingredient in the nutricosmetics market since its launch in 2012, with more than 3.5 million consumers now taking it daily for its skin health benefits.

Both products – which perfectly illustrate GELITA’s commitment to ‘improving quality of life’ – contain specific collagen peptides that promise real and measurable benefits. And so, on the anniversary of their respective launches, there’s no better time to celebrate the global scientific substantiation and recognition by health authorities of their efficacy and safety.


Backed by science

FORTIGEL®, which is commercially available in almost 50 countries, is backed by several international scientific studies which all confirm its beneficial effects on joints. They have shown that the daily intake of 5g of FORTIGEL® helps in the reconstruction of the extracellular matrix of the joint cartilage. Through an increased biosynthesis of type II collagen and proteoglycans, it maintains normal joint function, contributes to the reduction of joint discomfort and thus improves mobility.

As a result, it’s recently been given health claims authorisation by the Brazilian National Health Agency (ANVISA), which means the wording ‘may contribute to the maintenance of joint health’ can be used on the labels of food supplements containing our patented ingredient at a daily dose of 5g.

Health Canada has also approved product-specific claims for FORTIGEL®. These include: ‘Helps reduce knee joint pain associated with activity in individuals with activity-related knee joint discomfort, as well as joint pain induced by physical stress in individuals with activity-related knee joint discomfort.’


Highest possible efficacy

But it’s not just FORTIGEL® that’s gaining international recognition, as beauty-from-within ingredient VERISOL® also now has approved health claims around the world.

Collagen supplements in Brazil that deliver a daily dose of just 2.5g of the specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides VERISOL® became the first to be allowed to use skin health claims under ANVISA’s new rules back in December 2020. The announcement followed ANVISA’s introduction of specific regulations for food supplements in 2018, when manufacturers were called to prove the efficacy of their products.

VERISOL® comprises pure collagen peptides that stimulate fibroblast cells in the dermis, which substantially increases the renewal and repair of collagen, elastin and proteoglycans – all of which are essential for skin elasticity. The efficacy of VERISOL® has been proven statistically significant in six different studies involving nearly 500 participants.

VERISOL® collagen peptides have also been awarded a Foods with Function Claim (FFC) for skin elasticity in Japan, with products using these Bioactive Collagen Peptides now able to claim: “Contains VERISOL® Collagen Peptides. VERISOL® is reported to maintain skin elasticity and supports skin health.” And even though collagen peptides are already well known as a beauty-from-within ingredient in Japan, the granting of this health claim is a very important milestone for us and for the market.

Meanwhile, our customers in Canada can choose from a range of 12 claims for VERISOL® authorised by Health Canada. They include: ‘Helps increase skin elasticity’; ‘Helps promote healthy collagen production’; ‘Helps with the appearance of smooth skin’; ‘Helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines’.


So versatile

While consumers cherish our Bioactive Collagen Peptides® due to their proven effectiveness, manufacturers value their technological properties. Being highly soluble, they can easily be incorporated into various types of liquid and solid functional food applications or nutricosmetics - from drinks and concentrated ready-to-consume liquid shots to tablets, capsules and flavoured powder mixes.

Keen to find out more about our portfolio of proven collagen peptide solutions? Get in touch with our experts today!


Video FORTIGEL®: https://youtu.be/M0NIY9Ld1XY

Video VERISOL®: https://youtu.be/lxeSqLm_TGI