Dipl. Ing. Martin Junginger
Head of Global Product Management Pharma / Business Development Gelatine
GELITA AG, Germany
Martin Junginger is Head of Global Product Management Pharma & Business Development Gelatine at GELITA AG in Eberbach/ Germany. He is responsible for the portfolio of pharma gelatine, mainly for soft capsules with different dissolution and cross-linking properties. Besides Mr. Junginger is in charge for the global innovation process to establish, manage and report innovation projects at GELITA.
Prior to joining GELITA in 2017, Mr. Junginger was Head of Product Development for modern wound care dressings at PAUL HARTMANN AG in Heidenheim, Germany. In the years before he was responsible for process development and establishing of pilot and production plants, before developing medical products for the treatment of acute and chronically wounds for professional applications, both at PAUL HARTMANN AG in Heidenheim, Germany.
Mr. Junginger holds a Dipl. Ing. (M.Sc.) degree in chemical engineering from the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
He is (co-)inventor of several patents in the area of wound healing systems (innovation award Ostwürttemberg/ Germany in 2017) and supervised student graduation theses (Aesculap Award of the university Furtwangen, Germany in 2012). Aside Mr. Junginger collaborated in the standards committee (CEN) for establishing test methods for the characterization of wound dressings.